Reporting Nuclear News 23 – 25 June 2014
Atomic Reporters and the Vienna Center for Disarmament and Non-Proliferation (VCDNP) will host their first in a planned series of workshops for journalists from the Middle East 23 – 25 June 2014. Reporting Nuclear News is on nuclear disarmament and non-proliferation and aims to provide journalists with a basic set of tools and basic knowledge that will help them to better report nuclear issues
Atomic Reporters and the VCDNP have prepared a diverse range of panels that will be moderated by technical and policy experts, and senior journalists
. Below is a list of the workshop’s speakers:
Peter Rickwood is the founder and executive director of Atomic Reporters. He worked as a journalist for most of his life before joining the IAEA in 2001 where he was a press officer until 2009. He subsequently acted as information advisor to the Preparatory Commission for the CTBTO and UNSCEAR
. In 2012 he founded Atomic Reporters.
Elena Sokova is the Executive Director of the VCDNP and previously served as Assistant Director at the James Martin Center for Nonproliferation Studies (CNS) at the Monterey Institute of International Studies. Elena also co-authored “Nuclear Power Broker,” for The Bulletin of Atomic Scientists in 2007.
Ambassador Hamad Alkaabi has worked as the Permanent Representative of the UAE to the IAEA since 2008, representing his country’s commitments to peaceful uses and nonproliferation. He has personally been involved in all key milestones of the UAE nuclear energy programme.
Eric Auchard is Reuters’ current editorial innovation director and former chief technology correspondent. He builds tools to help journalists at the world’s largest news organization report, edit and present the news
. Eric has been working at Reuters since 1993, covering technology-related news all the while.
Julian Borger is The Guardian’s diplomatic editor who also runs the paper’s Global Security blog. He was previously a correspondent in the US, the Middle East, eastern Europe and the Balkans and is currently writing a book about chasing war criminals in the Balkans.
Acting Secretary for the United Nations Scientific Committee on the Effects of Atomic Radiation, Malcolm Crick previously held the position of Head of the Incident and Emergency Centre at the International Atomic Energy Agency.
Before retiring in 2008, Trevor Edwards had been working in the nuclear industry for 48 years, starting at the United Kingdom Atomic Energy Authority in 1960. Trevor’s storied career as an expert on centrifuge technology would take him to several different organizations around Europe, finally leading to him joining the IAEA in 1995 before his retirement.
Trevor Findlay is director of the Nuclear Energy Futures Project at the Centre for International Governance Innovation in Waterloo (CIGI), heading the CIGI project on the future of the IAEA. He is also a professor at Carleton University and used to be an Australian diplomat.
Before his appointment as Assistant Secretary at the United States Bureau of Public Affairs, Douglas Frantz worked as a newspaper reporter and editor for over 35 years, covering every conflict from the first Gulf war to the Afghan war. He has worked for The Washington Post, the Los Angeles Times, and The New York Times and has authored or coauthored 10 nonfiction books on a variety of topics.
Based in Berlin, Mark Hibbs is a senior associate in Carnegie’s Nuclear Policy Program. For over 20 years, he was an editor and correspondent for several nuclear energy publications, such as Nucleonics Week and NuclearFuel, which included research on the USSR’s nuclear-fuel-cycle facilities.
Robert Kelley is a Senior Researcher for SIPRI’s Nuclear Weapons Project, Arms Control and Non-proliferation Programme and a veteran in the nuclear field. For over 35 years he worked for the US Department of Energy, overseeing centrifuge and plutonium metallurgy programs, later becoming Director of the Department of Energy Remote Sensing Laboratory and was a Director in the IAEA Department of Safeguards. He supported the foundation of Atomic Reporters.
Ambassador Alexander Kmentt currently serves as Director for Disarmament, Arms Control and Non-Proliferation at the Federal Ministry for European and International Affairs and has supported Atomic Reporters since its inception.
Alison Bethel McKenzie is the Executive Director of the International Press Institute, a Vienna based organization dedicated to promoting press freedom around the world
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. With over 25 years of journalistic experience and experience as a Knight International Journalism Fellow at the International Center for Journalists, Alison is responsible for managing IPI’s overall strategic goals and administration.
Scott Peterson is the Istanbul bureau chief for the Christian Science Monitor, a veteran foreign correspondent and photojournalist, and the author of “Me Against My Brother: At War in Somalia, Sudan, and Rwanda.”
William Potter is the Founding Director of the James Martin Center for Nonproliferation Studies and serves on the International Advisory Board of the Center for Policy Studies in Russia. His previous experience includes working on the UN Secretary-General’s Advisory Board on Disarmament Matters and the Arms Control and Disarmament Agency at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory.
Tariq Rauf: Director of SIPRI’s Arms Control and Non-proliferation Programme, former Head of the Verification and Security Policy Coordination Office at the IAEA, and director of Atomic Reporters. Tariq has worked on verification protocol in cases involving Iran, Iraq, Libya, North Korea, South Korea and Syria.
Bernhard Schneider is the head of the department for legal affairs and migration of the Austrian Red Cross. Bernhard joined the Red Cross in 2002 and is also responsible for local training and human resources.
Ambassador Mohamed Shaker is the chairman of the Egyptian Council for Foreign Affairs and a former Ambassador of Egypt to the United Kingdom and Austria. The ECFA is an organization whose “main objective is to promote public debate and understanding of foreign policy issues, both regional and international. Foremost among these are Egypt’s strategic, economic and political interests.”
Nikolai Sokov is a Senior Fellow at the VCDNP who has written numerous books on nuclear weapons policy and reduction. From 1987-92 he worked at the Ministry for Foreign Affairs of the Soviet Union and later Russia, and participated in START I and START II negotiations as well as in a number of summit and ministerial meetings.
Jonathan Tirone is a Vienna based reporter for Bloomberg News. He has written—and continues to write—numerous articles related to nuclear issues for Bloomberg.
Resources for Middle East workshop participants