A fresh nuclear storm with added dangers and risks is gathering – nearly 30 years after the end of the cold war. Atomic Reporters is encouraging journalists to re-engage the file and explore and report how the pillars of nuclear stability, so-called, are being undermined. From reports of misinformation on social media fanning the flames between nuclear armed India and Pakistan, to cyber warfare, the crumbling edifice of arms control, profligate spending on what could become a new arms race, journalism needs to keep its audiences up to pace and informed about new threats
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. Because of interest and the subject’s importance we have decided to extend the deadline for applications for journalism fellowships by two weeks, until midnight
March 15, 2019 (EST), to engage interested journalists.
. Work as a team or alone; we encourage collaboration between journalists and specialists. Some topics to consider: the impact of new technologies on nuclear policy and possible undermining of implications for deterrence; the dangers of information warfare and the role of social media; the task for journalists in addressing public fears, poorly managed by authorities in events such as the 2018 Hawaii false missile alert; – and overall reluctance to level with the public about nuclear’s existential dangers; modernisation costs; alternatives; the continuing erosion of nuclear arms control.
. Each fellowship will be capped at US $5,000 and will cover reporting costs such as travel, accommodation, food, visas, translator fees, and other miscellaneous costs
. Individuals as well as teams can apply.
- Be a working journalist, staff or freelance, from or representing an established media outlet based in the Americas, Asia, or Europe;
- Present a story idea that can be investigated and reported with a budget of up to $5000 (budgets can be less);
- Submit a budget outlining estimated costs for proposed reporting during the fellowship (for teams, specify how each team member
will use the funds); - Provide a letter of support from an editor, producer, or supervisor who can confirm your track record in getting your material published (workshop participants applying for fellowships do not need to resubmit a letter of support); and
- Be prepared, if awarded a fellowship, to sign a funding agreement with Atomic Reporters in advance of any distribution of funds.
The deadline for applications is March 15 – send us your applications!