Atomic Reporters is offering an opportunity for qualified journalists to apply for the “This Is Not a Drill” investigative reporting fellowships
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. The fellowships are being offered as part of a journalism program organized in partnership with the Stanley Foundation which included the 2019 “This is Not a Drill” journalism workshop held on the one-year anniversary of a false ballistic missile alert that occurred in the U.S
. state of Hawaii last January.
Up to six fellowships will be awarded to applicants interested in pursuing reporting related to the themes covered in the “This Is Not a Drill” workshop
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. Some of the themes explored by the workshop:
- Risks and dangers of new and emerging technologies on nuclear stability
- Information warfare
- Manipulation of social media
- Using online tools to verify information
- The role of journalists in reducing panic in an event such as the Hawaii false alert
The fellowships will be administered by Atomic Reporters, with funding from the Carnegie Corporation of New York. Each fellowship will be capped at US $5,000 and will cover reporting costs such as travel, accommodation, food, visas, translator fees, and other miscellaneous costs
. Applications may be submitted by either individuals or teams.
To be eligible for the fellowships, applicants must:
Be a working journalist, staff or freelance, from or representing an established media outlet based in the Americas, Asia, or Europe;
Present a story idea that can be investigated and reported with a budget of up to $5000 (budgets can be less);
Submit a budget outlining estimated costs for proposed reporting during the fellowship (for teams, specify how each team member will use the funds);
Provide a letter of support from an editor, producer, or supervisor who can confirm your track record in getting your material published (workshop participants applying for fellowships do not need to resubmit a letter of support); and
Be prepared, if awarded a fellowship, to sign a funding agreement with the fellowship administrator (Atomic Reporters) in advance of any distribution of funds.
Atomic Reporters is an independent, non-profit, incorporated in Canada, operating as an officially recognized international NGO from Austria, providing substantive and non-partisan information to journalists about nuclear science and technology.
[…] For more details and for more detailed eligibility requirements, click here. […]